预防犯罪 & 个人安全



The 阿拉莫大学 警察局 was organized and commisioned for the safety and protection of the college community; to insure its orderly day-to-day operation, 提供援助, 提供援助, 并保持有利于追求学习的条件. 

校园警察一年365天,一天24小时值班. 他们是身穿制服的武装警察, 在有标志的车辆上, on foot or on bike; they are equipped with two-way radios with interoperablity with the 圣安东尼奥 警察局, 圣安东尼奥消防局/急救中心, Bexar县 Sheriff's Department and other necessary equipment to efficiently do their job. While we are looking for overt acts of individual's that would be injurous or damaging to others, 我们敦促学生, 教师, 工作人员协助:

  1. 遵守法律法规 
  2. Reporting any criminal act or incident you might witness to include injury or loss you might experience 
  3. 避免任何不必要的风险或危险,包括伤害

The 警察局 employs twenty-four hour dispatching and is able to get assistance to students, 对教职员工的态度及时. 紧急调度号码是210-485-0911 




  • 对人犯罪:强奸,抢劫,袭击 
  • 财产犯罪:盗窃办公室,, 建筑, 教室, 实验室, 健身房储物柜, 文件柜, 停车场内车辆 
  • 盗窃:车辆(包括自行车和摩托车), 钱包, 钱包, 书, 珠宝, 现金, 信用卡, 大学房地产 
  • 纵火 
  • 刑事恶作剧/刑事侵入 

The 阿拉莫大学 警察局 Officers should be alerted to the presence of any suspicious persons or activity on campus. 记住,巡警不可能同时出现在所有地方. 校园里应该举报的可疑活动有:

  • 任何挣扎或者有人被强行赶上车的痕迹 
  • 破窗教室、建筑物或车辆上的破窗 
  • 停车场玻璃破碎的声音 
  • 有人偷看车内或试图打开车门 
  • 如果你在敏感的安全区域看到不认识的人
  • 一辆汽车在停车场里不停地绕来绕去 
  • 在建筑物或停车场内或周围闲逛的 
当 reporting a crime, be prepared to give as much of the following type of information as possible.
  • 发生了什么事?
  • 当?
  • 在哪里?
  • 车辆的描述
  • 车辆牌照号码
  • 有关人员描述
  • 你的名字(不是强制性的,但很有帮助)
  • 你的电话号码和位置

These questions must be answered if the officer is to be effective in handling the situation. 报告事件时, please do not hang up on the dispatcher until the dispatcher states that there is sufficient information to relay to the officers in the field. The reason for the call back phone number is to contact you for further infromation when the officer files his/ her report.


A vehicle in a parking lot is an inviting target for theft, vandalism or burglary. 为了尽量减少这些犯罪的风险:

  • 拆下点火钥匙 
  • 锁好所有的门 
  • 锁好所有窗户 
  • 避免将贵重物品留在车内, 如果你必须的话, 离开家之前把它们锁在后备箱里 
  • 使用防盗锁 
  • 考虑安装报警系统 
  • 记录所有收音机、立体声或其他设备的序列号 
  • 报告停车场的可疑活动 


  • Consider whether it will be dark when you return and select a place that will be well lit and not deserted
  • 在离开前和进入时检查是否有游荡者
  • 当你离开你的车时,把钥匙从点火器上拿下来,即使只有一分钟
  • 锁好车门
  • 返回车辆时准备好钥匙了吗
  • 上车前检查一下后座
  • 永远不要让搭便车的人搭便车
  • Should you return to the location where your vehicle had been parked and discover it missing, 立即通知校园警察提交报告.

犯罪经常成群发生. 如果你举报了一起犯罪或涉嫌犯罪,你可能会阻止下一次犯罪.

Contact the 警察局 immediately whenever you see or hear something suspicious or unusual. 警察局将对所有可疑活动的报告作出回应. 你的电话可以防止针对朋友、邻居或你自己的犯罪.


打击不受欢迎的电话(淫秽), 骚扰, 威胁, 等),警务处提供以下建议:

  • 不要做出任何回应或反应就挂断电话.
  • 向电话公司报告不受欢迎的电话
  • 记录所有不受欢迎的电话,包括日期,时间,电话性质,背景噪音
  • Don't provide personal info (date of birth, social security number, credit card info) over the phone
  • Use your answering machine to screen calls and save unwanted messages for evidence


预测潜在的风险,并采取措施消除或减少风险. 百分之九十的预防是公众的意识. 晚上和别人一起散步. Never attempt to walk through a dark alley or area where there is potential for danger. 请致电十大网赌正规网址官网警察调度员210-485-0099. If you carry a brief case, purse, or backpack, keep only a small amount of 现金 with you. 随身携带你的钥匙、证件和其他所有有价值的东西. 计划路线.

  • Think first, then take action; remain as calm as possible
  • 远离潜在的威胁
  • 不要害怕让攻击者知道你意识到了潜在的威胁
  • 加入附近的一群人
  • 到光线充足的公共场所,立即报警
  • 如果你看到别人有麻烦,请报警
  • After you have avoided a threat or crime, report the incident to the Campus Police office
  • If you believe a threat is eminent and you can see people nearby; yell, 尖叫, 制造一种骚动来吸引人们的注意,然后跑向人群
  • 走人多的路线
  • 积极地、轻快地走,并坚持走下去
  • 走在马路的一边,面对迎面而来的车辆
  • 避免每天走同一条路线
  • 当你接近时,准备好你家/车的钥匙了吗
  • 如果你下车了,让司机等你安全进去
  • Avoid walking up to a vehicle window to respond to a question from someone within
  • Suggest you are in a hurry to meet someone who is already on the way to pick you up
  • 如果一个陌生人试图在谈话中鼓励你, 在停下来说话之前, 扫视四周,确保你不是一个人——运用良好的判断力
  • 走在人行道的中央,远离建筑物, 门口, 篱笆, and parked vehicles-especially those occupied with passengers inside the vehicles
  • 避免突然移动
  • 完全按照攻击者的要求去做
  • 在不明显的情况下获得攻击者的完整描述, 包括武器和人/车逃跑的方向
  • 如果你认为无论你做什么攻击者都会杀了你, 使用任何你能想到的防御方法:尖叫, 踢, running; your objective is to get away. 在这种情况下,你没有什么可失去的. 这是生存的问题.

强奸和性侵犯可能随时发生在任何人身上,无论年龄大小, 性, 外表, 及服装类型. A defense strategy that saves a victim in one strategy might encourage the assailant in another. You personally will have to decide what kind of defense you are capable of using if you are attacked. We recommend you attend some of the rape seminars held on campus through the year or one of the seminars held in our community.

If you are a victim of rape The identity of any victim of a sex crime is kept in the strictest of confidence. 是否提出申诉将由你自己选择. 警方将尽一切可能提供协助. It is important to notify the 警察局 regardless of whether or not you wish to file a complaint because the police can

  • 提供即时安全
  • 可能会抓到强奸犯
  • 帮你立即就医
  • 帮助你获得咨询
  • 送去医疗机构
  • 除非你使用,否则锁是没用的
  • 随时把办公室的门锁上
  • 安装死栓锁
  • 不要离开办公室无人值守
  • 在所有的书、背包、手机等上做记号. 有姓名和驾照号码
  • 把紧急电话号码放在电话旁边
  • 从外面可以进入的锁窗
  • 不要把你办公室、办公桌和文件的钥匙借给别人
  • 向当地书店和校园警察报告所有被盗书籍
  • 时刻保护好你的私人物品(珠宝、钱包、钱包等).)